Cupping change

Please call to see if you're a candidate for cupping.

Select from the following list to add a service to this appointment. cancel

  • Acupuncture New Patient $170

    What to Expect During Your Treatment

    Plan to spend 75-90 minutes your first visit, with follow-up visits lasting 45 minutes. You’ll receive a detailed medical history, review of any of your medical documents, an acupuncture treatment based on your Eastern diagnosis and a customized treatment plan, including:

    • Acupuncture
    • Herbal prescription
    • Dietary & exercise recommendations
    • Stress management techniques
    • Nutritional supplements
  • Acupuncture Follow-up $100
  • Extended Acupuncture Follow-up visit $130
    An acupuncture follow up visit that is 90 minutes in duration.  This treatment includes an extended consultation and other modalities other than acupuncture such as: cupping, gua sha and moxibustion
  • Initial Herbal Consult $100
    Herbal consult includes detailed medical history, Eastern diagnosis, herbal prescription, and treatment plan.  Please note that herbs and supplements are sold separately.
  • Follow-up Herbal Visit $55
    Re-evaluation and assessment of progress.  Please note that herbs and supplements are sold separately.
Staff: Sherri Taylor