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Extended Acupuncture Follow-up visit change

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  • Acupuncture New Patient $170

    What to Expect During Your Treatment

    Plan to spend 75-90 minutes your first visit, with follow-up visits lasting 45 minutes. You’ll receive a detailed medical history, review of any of your medical documents, an acupuncture treatment based on your Eastern diagnosis and a customized treatment plan, including:

    • Acupuncture
    • Herbal prescription
    • Dietary & exercise recommendations
    • Stress management techniques
    • Nutritional supplements
  • Acupuncture Follow-up $100
  • Cupping $65
    With this treatment, heated glass cups are applied to the body to create suction on the skin’s surface. This opens the pores, releases toxins, and brings nourishing blood to the skin and muscles. Cups can be held in one position or moved over larger areas, simulating massage.

    Cupping works well for:

    • Muscular pain
    • Inflammation
    • Colds
    • Bronchitis
    • Asthma
    • Congestion
    • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Initial Herbal Consult $100
    Herbal consult includes detailed medical history, Eastern diagnosis, herbal prescription, and treatment plan.  Please note that herbs and supplements are sold separately.
  • Follow-up Herbal Visit $55
    Re-evaluation and assessment of progress.  Please note that herbs and supplements are sold separately.
Staff: Sherri Taylor